Logo, Dave Moore Farming

(903) 309-3093

Precision Hay Cutting & Bailing

Harvest season is the most important time of year in the farming industry, and any experienced farmer knows good work is hard to come by. Get the help you need this harvest by hiring Dave Moore Farming. I am an experienced farm hand with more than 25 years of hay cutting and bailing experience.

The Right Man for the Job

Save yourself the time and the trouble of purchasing all the necessary equipment by getting in touch with me today. I have every tool needed to cut, rake, and bale your hay, and I can even haul it for an additional fee. I typically charge by the bale, but it is no trouble at all for me to go out to the field and provide you with a quote.


In order to contract my expertise, I ask that the field in question be close enough for me to travel to. Additionally, I only accept contracts no smaller than 20 acres. 

Hay for Sale

Don't let a shortage of hay disrupt the activities of your farm. In addition to cutting and baling, I also sell hay to raise livestock. Please get in touch with me for more details about the pricing.

Hay Cutting

Contact me for fast and reliable hay cutting and bailing this harvest season.